Simplify email by having a uniform email template and emails in one place
I'm sorry you put so much effort in redoing the email editor since it probably is NOT what people were asking about. Basically look at Emma, MailChimp, ConstantContact. What do they have in common? Consistency and ease of use. You set your header and footer in a template that isn't touched. This also includes fonts and colors. All emails created are just the BODY of the template. I am so frustrated right now. We changed our logo and changed our social media addresses and I literally have to change 100s of emails. The event templates, the membership templates for EACH of our membership levels, all the finance templates. I'm sure there are others that I will miss. Not to mention if I realize after the first 20 that I forgot to change one of the urls, I have to start all over. It's too time consuming and looks unprofessionial on our part for some emails to look one way and others another, especially the unsubscribe that we can't change the font for and literally looks tacked on , which it is.

Ability to bulk update email and notifications with a template design. e.g. for all communications we would like a 1 column layout with our logo at the top. Currently I need to update this for every template…..
Michael Schweizer Anliker commented
email template (ONE FOR ALL)
I am loosing so much time to generate the different mail templates... wouldn't it be better to have one layout for everything and then just change the content ...