reposition photo within frame tool desired
The photo tool has grown much over the time I've been using. But I wish that I could position a photo within the frame alloted for the photo. Right now it seems to anchor the photo the the top left of the photo, and crop out whatever doesn't fit on the right and bottom. So if I want to crop, for example, some headroom out of the photo, I have to do it in a photo editor and then import it and then go "oh, that's not quite right and then crop it in the photo editor and say "still not quire right." and then import it again etc. (I do see a horizontal drag bar across the bottom when the photo is too big, but using that to reposition the photo does not seem to make a difference in the positioning of the photo once I save the page. Being able to adjust what part of the photo shows through the frame would be HUGE. IMMENSE. AWESOME. (Had a call with Sameer today who was very helpful on several questions, but confirmed that using an outside photo editor was necessary to make this very common (I would think) type of adjustment.) He understood my concern that this made this part of the process very cumbersome and hence time-consuming.