Show first session only in Upcoming Events gadget
We offer classes for homeschooling kids. I want to have several upcoming events gadgets around the website showing which classes are starting soon. But I can't do that because it shows all the sessions of a class. So if Class A starts in 1 week and Class B starts in 3 weeks, then I get a gadget full of Class A sessions and Class B never even shows up. So I have to create and continually update manual upcoming events lists on multiple pages and it's pretty tedious. I would love to see a way to show only the first session of an upcoming event in the upcoming events gadget.

gfletch commented
It would be nice to use the upcoming events gadget and show only first session of a class. If all sessions show it very much limits the # of events that display nicely in the gadget.
Robin J. Herbison commented
We want the option to have them shown or not. 1) to help members with scheduling and not selecting overlapping sessions and 2) if registration is still open for a "drop-in type" event or a "come to as many as os few as you want event series", all the subsequent sessions should still show up.
Anonymous commented
Yes please! We need this for the classes we offer. I have to manually create and update upcoming event lists on multiple pages several times a year because if classes don't all start the same time, I get multiple sessions of one class showing up, and none of another!
Stephen Dobney commented
This is similar to an existing wishlist request, but this relates to the Upcoming events gadget, not the Events gadget. By default, all sessions of a multi-session event are shown separately in the Upcoming events gadget. Often this means that no other events are listed. It would be better to be able to show only the Event, not all the sessions. (We use this for weekly language classes; the event = a term of classes.)