Allow known person to apply for membership
Allow non-member to apply for membership if they are already known to Wild Apricot. If someone's email is already "known" to Wild Apricot (because they attended an event or paid for something) they cannot apply as a member. We require more info than is in the system but the person cannot login to supply that info until they've been approved. A real catch-22.

eglassylady commented
So part of this request is solved: people who are known to the system but are not in "Pending" state can login (create an account) and apply (though this is VERY unobvious).
People whose membership is pending but incomplete CANNOT complete (update) their membership. This happens in our organization when they pay membership fees without filling in an application (e.g. at an event; not online). We need to "pencil them in" then have them complete the application. They cannot.
Follow-up comment:
"I created a test membership and it is in the “pending” state.
When I login I get this. I am unable to update the information.
That is the issue (or one of them) for which I am requesting a solution."