Registration email settings - More granularity
We would like to have ability to set various registration emails to off/on and to copy various people depending on the message. We currently forward emails that we receive.
Example of how our work flow works:
The registration confirmed message requires no action. No need to email to anyone but the attendee. We can easily see who has registered when we look at the event.
Registration pending takes some follow-up. Be able to send this to the person responsible for this task.
Registration cancellation. We refund credit card so having this go to the treasurer would be helpful.
We currently have all emails going to the event organizer who then hopefully is able to spot pending and cancellations and manually forward.
Thanks for your consideration.

Thanks for sharing,
There is no ability to define additional recipients for each event email, like a treasure only for Registration cancellation email, but you can define them for all event emails in the Email routing settings.
More about email routing