Store fulfilment emails aren't cc'd to administrator or other system contacts
In Wild Apricot, the majority of emails are cc'd to the administrator (and other chosen contacts). This helps the admin keep a log of transactions and correspondence.
The online store cc's some emails to the admin, but is missing the crucial Fulfillment email.
The fulfilment email also isn't logged in the member's email log. Instead the email template is stored there rather than the actual email sent. i.e. It says Dear {MemberName} rather than the actual name o fat member it was sent to.
If you are selling a digital product that is generated by the fulfilment email, there is therefore no record of the sale, as the admin has neither been cc'd into the fulfilment email, nor is it stored in the log.
Having a record of the sale is critical for dealing with customer after sales.
Currently we have to request customers forward us the email that we (i.e. the store) sent them, because we have no access to what was actually sent to them.