A method to check if new members are also members of a associated club
Our hiking club, Green Valley Recreation Hiking Club is a DBA of a larger non-profit, Green Valley Recreation. Members must first belong to the GVR before they can join our hiking club. It would be nice to have GVR's database of members' numbers and the capability of comparing your member list to the GVR database list to ensure they are a member before allowing them to join the hiking club. Any ideas?

There are 2 possible ways:
1 way - manual check
You configure your membership workflow so that each membership application should be accepted by administrator. Admin will get notification email about each application and will decide if it fit all requirements. See here for details https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/132#new
2 way - custom application page
This way will require to build completely custom application form and create a program, which will check all the prerequesites through API. This aproach will require programming skills.
I would recommend to start with the 1st way and later decide if you are ready to invest in full workflow automation.