An editable Admin "Scratch Pad" for temporary and ongoing notes and crib sheets
At the top of my own wish list -- certainly in the top three -- is the need for user guidance. Wild Apricot's help pages are mostly well done and cover it all, but that's their problem. They're generic and so much to read that nobody ever will.
We need our own editable help screens or pop-ups, or something.
But for now, let's pull my wish back, a lot -- it would be invaluable just to have a place where we could store and update cribsheets for various Admin chores.
Currently we sorely need this for Advanced Searches. We have a lot of Saved Searches, and the collection is becoming very hard to sift through. New Admins shudder at seeing it. Although the criteria for a saved search are displayed in the list (in its entirety if you hover on it), that is unreadable if the search is at all long or complex (and especially if it involves a list of events). Also, to understand it, the user needs to be already familiar with Advanced Search.) Nor are those descriptions printable. The name of a search is no help, because it's way to short to give detail. (I will leave the inability to revise names, or even see it while composing a Search, for another Wish.) And (like the emails system), there is no field in the system for describing what's been set up for end-users. (That is, each search should have its own description field, of at LEAST 256 characters.)
The obvious solution is to give each search a simple name or number, and key it to a list we would maintain elsewhere. But where? Google Docs? Puhleeze, let's not go there. The wiki we're building? Not until we have an API to tie it into a WA login, and that's WAY down the road. The latest email to All? Gad! A text file on our website? Not editable without hassle and expertise. I've even considered putting the list in a specially created Contact's VP notes, or in a Forum thread Except Rube Goldberg stunts like that involve editing windows that are too tiny, or don't allow editing, or would become clunky, or would confuse the heck out of non-Admins, etc.
We need an easily editable page for Admins to store guidance and notes for reference by other Admins, without them having to go to other services, mess with further passwords, URLs, etc. Preferably a set of pages, because this is not the only rough edge in WA that seriously needs rounding off.