auditlogitems API call needs more information
Hello everyone
The AuditLogItems API currently returns a message for all
transaction which includes the invoice # (Document ID) for invoices. There is no easy way to traverse to other parts of the transaction like the InvoiceID, PaymentID, RegistrationTypeID as part of the transaction. It would be really nice to include the relevant, related IDs as part of the AuditLog when appropriate.

When you request a list of audit log items, each record contains short version of document. If you request a record details by it’s ID, you will get much more details, including related Invoice ID.
[Deleted User] commented
The AuditLogItems API currently returns a message for all transaction which includes the invoice # (Document ID) for invoices. There is no easy way to traverse to other parts of the transaction like the InvoiceID, PaymentID, RegistrationTypeID as part of the transaction. It would be really nice to include the relevant, related IDs as part of the AuditLog when appropriate.