Show all Members' names in member directory, even if "Show profile to others" is unchecked
Any member who will not let other members know he is even a member does not deserve to be one.
It's damn inconvenient for a member to wonder why a fellow member doesn't appear in our Member Directory, when the reason is that the person's profile is set to hidden. Even as an admin, I wasted a good 15 minutes trying to figure out what was wrong with our records, until I remembered to check the guy's Privacy setting.
We need an organization option that would show the person's first and last name even if they have unchecked "Show profile to others." Alternatively (and I consider this a poor substitute), when searching for the member, the system could say "Firstname Lastname has chosen to hide his/her profile." (If gender is known, that could be specific.) Or even "One possible match found, but that profile is hidden."
Alternatively, disable the First name and Last Name radio buttons under "No access."

Ed Emond-Worline commented
If you implement this, keep it at the org. level vs. forcing this on all WA websites. We like the idea of allowing a member to keep their information hidden if they wish.
Randall (Randy) Rensch commented
I've been informed by someone who set up our site that it is possible to exclude names from the list of "no access" options. So, in the immortal words of Emily Litella, "Never mind."
Now the issue is how to explain to our few members who have hidden even their names that we do not find that acceptable. ;-) Hopefully they didn't intend for their privacy to go that far.