Two-stage verification before allowing account to be deleted
A big problem (and our organization has had this happen in the past) is when someone in charge gets disgruntled and deletes the account and information. Is there a way to require at least a two-fold verification process before an account and all information can be deleted...where it takes more than one administrator to ok it or a secondary authorization from the CEO/President/Manager of the organization? I feel our information and our account is uncomfortably vulnerable otherwise the way things are now. There just has to be a better way to protect accounts and the information from accidental or vindictive deletion.

Debra Joy Groesser commented
We had a member who was inadvertently and unknowingly added as a full admin when trying to issue him a new password (this is a whole different issue entirely). That member began receiving emails that he was going to be charge $290 a month and thought that was for his membership...he had no idea it was for our WA account. He asked for the account to be cancelled and it was...without anyone in our organization's leadership (or any other admin) being notified until after the account was cancelled and reverted to a free account - with 2800 contacts/members we only had access to 50 at that point and our website reverted to the wildapricot domain instead of ours. Fortunately this time, once we found out what happened, it was able to be reversed since the member couldn't figure out how to log in to delete all of our information. WA emailed him the instructions to do so. It would be best if the account owner would need to give permission to delete an account and/or all information, not an admin...or at the very least have a two stage that only one person cannot delete an organization's entire account and info.
Just to clarify: are you talking about self-service account cancellation feature as described in this help article - ?