Batch voiding/deleting invoices
There should be a "Void & Delete" invoice button which allows both steps to be done in one hit rather that having to Void the invoice then delete it.
Would also be a helpful feature if you could void & delete a batch of invoices. Eg invoices 1009 to 1100

@George, you can setup membership level renewal policy so that invoice will be automatically voided along with suspendning memberhip. See more in this help article:
Do you actually need voiding invoice instead of deleting it?
Oleg, Product designer @ Payments team
George Gotsadze commented
There are members with expired renewal dates with suspended status but outstanding balance. It would be easy to select all invoices for such members and void their invoices as a batch. This would save time going individually in each records and voiding each invoice separately.
Could you please clarify why do you need such a function? Why do you need to deleted invoices at all?