Bigger registration button
The registration button is so small and light grey. I have had many members from several associations complain about how they cannot find the small register button at the bottom of the event page. Being able to make it a different color and bigger would be a huge asset.

Leslie McAreavy commented
Given that we are a club in a 55+ Community, having a bigger registration button would be wonderful!!!
Giacomo Marini commented
Being able to make it BIGGER, change color, move it to the TOP of the registration types, or some combination of these suggestions would improve usability quite a bit.
John Oldland commented
I agree the event registration button is not visible enough
Randall (Randy) Rensch commented
It seems that the nature of the Registration button depends on the site's design/setup, because ours is kelly green and huge, right next to our events' descriptions. Also unmissable on the list of events. I suggest anyone with a button design/location issue first talk with Support as to why buttons differ.
But while on this subject, I do have some minor beefs:
Can we change the button label? Traditionally in our 75-year-old organization we make "reservations" and the volunteers who handle them are still called "reservationists."In the mobile version of our site's list of events, if I remember right, the button comes above the event. Although nobody has complained, as a usability concern this seems very wrong. User should first be offered the details of the event, etc., before seeing the Register button. We have too many people coming from the Internet and reserving before they know the details of the event, let alone having a full picture of our club.
Our motif is red and white, with some blue. It would be nice if we could change the color. (I didn't set up our site and am not Webmaster, so offhand I don't know if this is an easily changeable option. I suspect it might be.)
BTW, I'm pleased that the word "free" no longer necessarily appears when a reservation doesn't require payment in advance, although WA previously provided us with a JavaScript workaround to hide the word in most cases. Now there are a lot of other things in the Registration process that need changing or variability ... but that would be another wish. :-)
Cathie commented
Hmm, our Register button is pink and not that hard to find, I think. Maybe our website admin did some changes that accomplished this or she changed theme colors or something.
Since we have a number of reg. types on one of our events, we also put a "Register Now" link closer to the top of the description. See
Also, in our regular events, with fewer choices, I think the Register button seems pretty clear. See
I have put a "Register Now" button at the top of our event e-mails so folks on phones can click that right away. We haven't had much trouble since then.
Anonymous commented
The board members on my team have suggested finding another membership hosting service because our members cannot figure out how to register for our events. I think this issue would be resolved if the registration button was easier to see.
Anonymous commented
Please! I've received feedback about the difficulty of finding that button. I don't want anymore angry complaints. Thank you, thank you!
Jess Campbell commented
I have had several clients who have complained about the event registration button as well. I would like to be able to move it to the top of the page, as well as make it bigger and more noticeable.