Add text field(s) to Registration form for instructions
There are SO many things wrong with the Registration form itself. I'm aware that we can change a few things such as button text and page heading ("e.g., Enter guest registration information) globally by using JavaScript workarounds, but they're global and not always appropriate.
Background: Our organization has certain events for familys and others for singles. Families we want on one form. Singles should (usually) register separately. This is for a variety of reasons ranging from data management to legal.
The only way to present instructions is to globally present them above the form. Instructions are extensive, so that becomes tedious and imposing, especially since they must deal with all possible types of Registrations and Events. Some instructions would be better presented where they apply, and depending on the actual form. See next point.
Desperately needed: A field consisting simply of instruction text or a note. Some fields do allow for a note, but it is in GRAY (???!!) type, extremely small, below the data box (it should be above or to the left, so they see it before typing). In any case, that's not sufficient. We also need to deliver text such as "Fill out this section only if you are staying overnight." Or whatever.

Skotty commented
Adding a text-field (a spot for instructions, information to read, etc) on the membership form and event registration form is quite literally a simple add, that seems like it would cause a lot of satisfaction to your product. Can y'all stop telling us what we want, and do an update of all the quick wins?
Anonymous commented
Randall, great points! You mentioned that we do have the ability to change the button text. How? I asked support about editing button text for Advanced Events, they said not available. They pointed me to the wish list.
Greg Wallace commented
This additional information for the registrants such as due dates for ordering t-shirts or where they can mail their fee checks if they don't want to pay online. This is not a field that the users populate but a static text on the form with more information.
Camilla Elmes commented
I absolutely agree on the point of being able to move the field instructions to appear above the field answer options. It looks messy and confusing having the instructions appear below and it would be great to increase the character limit here.
We also have need of an instruction/information only membership field for the application form. Our form looks amateurish and unsatisfactory because of these limitations
Walt Bilofsky commented
We don't need the names of all registrants. So for spouse and children, we just have "number of adults" and "number of children" as "Extra charge calculation" items on the registration form. This also allows us to charge different prices for adults and children (or for members and non-members, etc.).
We only use the "additional guests" feature of WA when we need to use the limit on number of registrants.
Walt Bilofsky commented
I use section headers for instructions sometimes. They are too large for some situations, just as the field instructions are too small. But sometimes they are just right.
Randall, thanks for sharing. That's a lot of comments and looking into our internal priorities we won't be fixing this particular request soon enough. We're going to focus on top requested items in the wishlist and while addressing them, we will be also simplifying event setup and registration process.
I will still leave this comment here in the wishlist as it shows in details important issues we can solve in order to improve our even management module.
Randall (Randy) Rensch commented
Ooops. Goofed on my numbering. No significance to that. Next time I'll use bullets.