A true form-based Content Management System
For Email and Event entry, we need a true Content Management System -- where novice end-users can enter text and it is automatically dropped into a template that we design. You try explaining to some of our members why centered text is more readable; I've given up! And there are a lot of browser and mail-client quirks that need to be addressed expertly. They occur even if the HTML editor is never used, and they should not require HTML editing to fix. For example, your CSS image margin specs are totally ignored by Outlook 2010 and other mail clients. It takes way, way too long to create a major event "past events and coming attractions" newsletter. Your stock templates are only three levels deep, and if we insert an event description macro, the email must include the entire web page description (in appropriate for an email!). I could go on and on as to why it takes all day to work out the kinks in a robust newsletter. I shouldn't have to.

Randall (Randy) Rensch commented
Still wishing for this. Sorry more other people don't see the need. Especially with regard to newsletter formatting. There is no provision in Wild Apricot for a long, robust newsletter that has multiple sections for past and future events, Member news, etc.
Randall (Randy) Rensch commented
In my proposal I mentioned that "centered text is more readable." That's a typo. Centered body copy and/or bullets is definitely LESS readable.
My main concern is to more easily create complex emails, but consistency and email client compatibility are also factors.
Some of our people who post events insist on making their own formatting choices, or (more often) ignore formatting altogether or are not good at it. Every organization needs to have some consistency and control. We can create how-to's till people's eyes glaze over, but in a volunteer organization some people refuse to "get the memo."