Change word "Registration" to "Reservation"
Allow rewording of "Registration is Closed." We do not always begin an event's reservations period as soon as it is posted. Saying registration is closed can be misinterpreted as meaning the event is full. This, people won't come back when reservations actually open. Let us substitute "Registration is not yet open" or "Registrations begin (date)" or omit it altogether. And while your at it, let us say "reservations" not "registration"; it's the word we've used for decades, the person who takes reservations is the Reservationist (who ever heard of a "Registrationist"?) and we think it's friendlier. Not every event is an auction.

Stan Kalisch commented
If a registration period has not yet opened, it would be better to indicate when the opening date occurs, rather than implying the registration is closed. It is also currently confusing when a registration period has not yet opened, for a person to see two messages one reading "registration is closed" and the other message "be the first" (to register).
Cathie commented
Oops, forgot to mention that a common term for a person who handles registrations and records is registrar. Fortunately, our asst. treasurer has this job so we just use that title.
Cathie commented
I would prefer Registration to Reservation myself. But I like the idea of having some freedom to change certain terminology.
I agree that Bundle is the worst. I would prefer "group" or something like that.
Site Administrator commented
This may be a Canada English vs. US English concern, but I would generally prefer Registration. That said I 100% agree with Walt's suggestion to have a general mechanism for an organization to set its own wording for a whole bunch of terms that are hardwired.
Walt Bilofsky commented
There's a general problem of WA's insensitivity to an organization's need to use its own terminology.
There needs to be a general mechanism for an organization to set its own wording for a whole bunch of terms that are unfortunately hardwired. "Bundle" is the worst offender but there are plenty of others.
There should be a list of these terms that admins could change. Once the list exists, it should be expanded by request on an ongoing basis.