Go back to basics - look at the core member functions like the directory
We moved to WildApricot because it sounded like the best ever membership software for the web. Yes it's member management is great, love the app and it's easy to use. BUT is it loosing sight of it's core purpose in favour of glory features? The wishlist is full of ideas for online shops, blogs etc and events seems to have been a major piece of work last year. Yet when you look at the core member functions like the directory this is failing to deliver in layout flexibility and search engine visibility.
Surely as the premier membership software it should be shouting and promoting it's members through a directory above all else before new features are added to other areas. Can we have some back to basics and look at these main membership features that can also add real value for members.

Steve, thanks for the feedback. What are the top things you're missing? We may have already wishlist ideas for them and it would mean that we're looking at them and will prioritize when time comes.
We have a dedicate development team working on Membership functionality, they would also be glad to hear your thoughts.