Click/tap to expand/collapse
I'd like MY web pages to have " Click/tap to expand/collapse" functionality.
In WA's help system -- which are web pages -- there is a very handy tool which collapses content down to a summary line. If it pertains to what you're looking for, you can click on " Click/tap to expand/collapse" and you can read about it.
It's great! I want it for MY web pages.

Walt Bilofsky commented
Thanks for the instructions for a workaround. However it is not very convenient, and will not work for Edge and IE, which are about 10% of browser users. So please keep this request open.
Here are instructions for adding the expand/collapse aka accordion function using HTML code:
Mike Felton commented
Exactly!! We need this function to utilise vertical space better on pages.
It is commonly referred to as an "Accordian" function. Maybe a gadget could be designed with this function?