Allow blog posts to be posted to the top of a post with a sticky option.
There are blog post that I would like to stay pinned to the top of the post.

Gareth Sharp commented
We could really do with a "sticky" thread option on the forum too.
m_etter commented
Agreed. We are also looking at using the blog as a news/announcements feature to allow for the summary listing on our home page. However one of the biggest drawbacks is that we don't have the ability to make an important announcement stay at the top as newer announcements are added.
Walt Bilofsky commented
I do this by editing the posted date to make it the most recent.
That said, the posted date (and author) are irrelevant to what I'm using the blog for, so in Look and Feel I set the Blog date and author font colors to "transparent" to hide them. It still shows "Administrator" unfortunately.