Email log usability issues
I am using this method to contact you because I lost the email you sent me.
Several weeks ago, I partook in one of your customer experience feedback survey. You replied to me to give you more specific information regarding email management within Wild Apricot. Finally, after not following up on it for weeks. I would like to give you specific feedback. Here it is:
First- When I go in email log, it always gives me a search range (dates) that is up to 9 days ago. Thus, I can never see the emails of the day unless I modify the range. Also, if I do a search of emails, the last week does not show up unless I think about changing the range. This is quite frustrating.
Second- when I do a search in email log (same in member list). I write the word I am looking for. The search engine gives me result as I type. Then, I press enter (like any other search engine, pressing enter is now a learned reflex) and ALL THE RESULTS RESET and I lose the info I was looking for. I need to retype the info and restart the search. This is quite annoying.
Third- When I copy/paste information in an email template, the template automatically adds or takes off line spaces. There is no way to fix that with the email template editor. I need to either go play in the HTML or use Pages from Apple and copy/paste from there (for some reason, when copying from Pages, this issue does not happen as much).
Fourth often the font size looks the same in the email editor, but once I send a test email, it is of different size.
Fifth it is quite difficult to add any variety to an email. If I want to add tables, create sub-sections to an email, add pictures in one specific location, all of this is extremely difficult if not impossible without CSS or HTML. This is also true for background colors. The email is divided in multiple sections and even when choosing all background color, only one section is colored (or some section do not get colored). Then, it is a cat and mouse game to try to find the right spot to click on and add colors. This is very frustrating, especially considering the limited amount of background colors available and the necessity to use HEX code to add an interesting color (which means I need to search for the right code).
Thanks for taking the time to ask about how to improve Wild Apricot. I know that most of the feedback given is about small details. However, the functionalities I have described above are available in the great majority of Apps, platforms and websites.

Hi Franz, not sure why I did not receive your reply back to our ticketing system. Thanks for posting your feedback here, we will use this information at some point.
Franz Plangger commented
I recently provided feedback on writing emails and I forgot to mention this other little detail:
Font Webkit Standard. This font appears to be the default one, but it does not appear to be a font option when choosing from the scroll down font menu. Thus, when I copy/paste I cannot make the new content look like what was already written. I need to change the whole email to an other font.