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541 results found
Invoice Details - Comments for Payer BOX
Box is limited to 200 characters - suggest increasing to 300 AND installing a counter so we can see where we're at.
1 voteArchive due to inactivity
Create Event Folders
We will be posting MANY events throughout our 8 county service area. It would be helpful to have a folder to organize and/or archive events. We don't want to delete events (so we can store attendance) but our list of events will be LONG after using this program for awhile. Suggestions?
1 voteYou can use tags as a category to filter events. Or you can use the Upcoming filter as a default, to prevent the very list loading.
Need more detail on transactions
For PayPal payments, I would like to be able to capture more detail for individual transactions. For example, for event registration, we will sometimes have the ability to donate to the organization. When Wild Apricot reports the transaction to PayPal, I cannot get the breakdown of the conference registration and donation amounts--only the lump sum. Can you make it possible for me to capture this information on PayPal?
1 vote -
see the last time a member logged in and who has downloaded a document
I would like to see if a board member has logged into the website and downloaded their board packet. This is the only way my Board has asked that board packets be available, as they have said they get too many emails and know they can go on and get the document at will. The problem is they don't, and end up voting for things they have no knowledge about. I could nip that if I knew which ones were not downloaded their packet and review ahead of time.
1 voteSorry. this is a very specific requirement and I do not see us doing this in the nearest future.
Native SQL editing to use functions
Let us edit the SQL directly
1 voteSorry, this not something we’re going to ever do.
Remove click event on large area of Calendar List view
Your software is quite easy to use however I have a couple of areas where it is not consistent.
If I enter a link and label it, change the font size -- the font size doesn't always change. I recognize it is not immediate however even after saving the change it is not updated.
When you use a large field for click events such as the Calendar in List view clicking the area only changes the current page. If you click a link within the area two click events are executed -- the link and another tab is opened for…
1 vote -
Events with multiple dates
Create ability to add events with, different dates (I understand duplicate is there, but 12 months, same event, must go in and change date on each one duplicated.1 voteThis is either already covered by existing functionality of multi-sessions events – see http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Multi-session+events#Multi-sessionevents-Multi-sessionevents or is related to our existing suggestion for recurring events – https://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/9056287-recurring-events-separate-registrations-for-each
Payment for an event
Allow Australian contacts to register for an event and pay via Trybooking.com
1 vote -
When a person who is not a member views their profile the "Membership details" section does not show up at all. Is there a way to have it sh
When a person who is not a member (may have attended a program and has a login) views their profile the "Membership details" section does not show up at all. Is there a way to have it show up and let the person know they are not a member and have a link to the membership page so that they can become one? Many people forget if they are a member or not and any way to remind them they are not a member and give them an opportunity to become one is appreciated.
1 voteFrankly, I don’t think we’re going to do this anytime soon for a number of reasons, one of them is that there can be multiple number of application pages and overall setup of such a feature in the profile can be very complicated.
But you can apply a good workaround right now: customize contact profile page using “System pages” in “Website” tab, looks for “Contact profile” system page. This is the page that system uses to generate content for both your member and contacts. You can add some content there – like a link to member application page. Surely, members will see this too, but it’s a good enough workaround. Something like “Not a member? Join!” where Join is a link to application page.
We only have 48 contacts on our member list summary and your message on the top of the page says we have exceeded with 51. Where do you get that number from please? I have suspended anyone who has not paid their dues
1 voteHi, Wild Apricot free plan has a limit of 50 contacts – see http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Functionality+by+billing+plan
You can also contact our customer support service to clarify your question, see http://www.wildapricot.com/wildapricotcontact -
Much more flexibility and 'cant do withoutness'
Range of templates for invoices.
ICS feed for events calendar
Import ICS calendar feeds1 voteSee comments.
Beanstream payment
Please add beanstrem. They offer very competitive rates..
1 voteThis is not in our plans.
1 vote
give me offer codes for my dates websites
Promotions code for my dating websites' that I am using
1 voteNot clear idea. Archiving until any further clarification
Crazy incompetent
Even the window to suggest feedback is ill conceived and mading. I offer a comment yet you want me to go through multiple other windows with questions. Someone needs to be fired.
1 voteThank you for the feedback.
competition database
competition database
1 voteUnclear.
Member to member links and associations
Hi - we are already using the 'bundle' feature to allow families to be managed by one family administrator. However, our society rule is that once someone turns 18, they have to have and pay for their own separate subscription. If an 18 year old family member still lives at the same address but maybe has a different name, it is not immediately obvious that they are still linked to that family unit. Just wondering whether there was a feature that allowed individuals such as this to still be associated with a family bundle albeit under their own subscription? Bundle-lite?
1 voteNot in our plans now.
get rid of this annoying bos
stop putting this annoying box over where I am trying to work without a way to get rid of it.,
1 voteI’m sorry to hear that our quick survey bothers you. We will continue asking this question, but we will decrease frequency to every 2 month (instead of every month now).
Manually Adjust Amounts Owed
Often times people who register for our events are members and accidentally pay a non-member rate for an event. When changing their registration the system requires you to make an entire new registration and then credits their account with the amount paid. For example someone paid 225 and then their registration was change to 150. But their account was credited 225 instead of 75. This makes zero sense to me.
It would be great if I could manually adjust amounts owed to be correct.
Otherwise you have to go through the impossible process of correcting their account.
1 voteI suggest contacting our support, they can explain you how it works in details. It’s about generated invoices, payment and settlements. If you open Financial records for particular members after you change event registration, you will see what I mean.
Fix the time frame that WA logs you out
It drives me absolutely crazy when it logs me out after less than a minute of inactivity - I lose everything and have to start all over!
1 voteLaura, please contact our support with this problem: http://www.wildapricot.com/wildapricotcontact
- Don't see your idea?