Daniel Frankel
My feedback
13 results found
20 votes
Daniel Frankel shared this idea ·
239 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Daniel Frankel supported this idea ·
10 votes
Daniel Frankel supported this idea ·
159 votes
Evgeny Zaritovskiy responded
No progress
Daniel Frankel supported this idea ·
137 votes
Daniel Frankel supported this idea ·
38 votes
Daniel Frankel supported this idea ·
22 votes
Daniel Frankel supported this idea ·
28 votes
Evgeny Zaritovskiy responded
consider also voting for “credit memos” – http://forums.wildapricot.com/forums/308932-wishlist/suggestions/8827036
Daniel Frankel supported this idea ·
61 votes
Evgeny Zaritovskiy responded
We’re collecting comments and votes for now, no actual development is planned so far
Daniel Frankel supported this idea ·
101 votes
Daniel Frankel supported this idea ·
203 votes
Daniel Frankel supported this idea ·
7 votes
Daniel Frankel supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Daniel Frankel commented
I have added several fields that I maintain in the member tables. It would be nice to be able to run a report that I can put on the web site for all to see of this data specifically. Our candle report is an example. At this point, I manually extract the data, put it into an excel spread sheet, and then put the spreadsheet in a widget on the web site. I'd like to be able to skip all the manual steps by setting up a widget on the web site that pulls the data from the member database in real time. Here is an example of one of my screens that should be directly pulling data from the member database:
First name Last name # Candles Previously Lit Candle 1 Candle 2 Candle 3 Candle 4 Candle 5 Candle 6 Candle 7
Michael Bernstein 3 11/17/11
Sid Besmertnik 3 11/10/16 12/08/16 05/11/17
Jeffrey Budd 4 02/09/17 03/17/17 04/20/17 05/11/17
Issy Cheskes 2 06/11/15
Paul Flexner 3 02/09/17 03/17/17 04/20/17
Mitch Frank 4 08/26/15 02/09/17
Anthony Gold 1 05/08/14
Stuart Green 05/08/14
David Hummel 6 11/10/16 12/08/16 01/12/17 02/09/17 03/16/17 05/11/17
Andrew Jacober 3 11/10/16 12/08/16 02/10/17
Douglas Katz 5 03/10/16 12/08/16 01/12/16
Joel Lesser 1 02/09/17
Michael Londe 3 12/06/12
Alexander Malenky 2 03/10/16
Randy Pores 2 11/10/16 01/02/17 03/16/17
Howard Robins 1 08/28/14
Michael Schulman 2 06/18/15
Joe Stich 3 09/07/14
Michael Terushkin 1 06/11/15
Adam Throne 2 02/09/17 04/20/17
Steven Zedeck 6 11/10/16 12/08/16 01/12/17 02/09/17 03/16/17 05/11/17
Robert Zimmerman 5 02/09/17Daniel Frankel shared this idea ·
147 votes
Evgeny Zaritovskiy responded
Old design proposal, not working on it yet and can be changed if we start working on it – https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0f9kMyQqlBsZ3FQOWRiMERRNkk/view?usp=sharing
An error occurred while saving the comment Daniel Frankel commented
Please enhance the advanced search capability to include compound queries (re (x and (y or z)). Also, add more of the SQL to the query language.
Daniel Frankel supported this idea ·
Please provide a way for our members to pay their invoices (re annual subscription/membership) in installments.
It is easier for some people to pay/afford $20/month recurring rather than $240 one time per year.
As a work around, I can implement what appears to be an installment plan by setting up a monthly level for a twelth of the actual annual amount and then set it to recurring. So, if dues are really $240 per year and I make a monthly member level of $20 for dues set for monthly renewal, I'll have $240 after twelve months.
Thank you