Scot McConnachie
My feedback
133 results found
5 votes
Scot McConnachie supported this idea ·
13 votes
Scot McConnachie supported this idea ·
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Scot McConnachie supported this idea ·
12 votes
Scot McConnachie supported this idea ·
21 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Scot McConnachie commented
I would also further emphasize the need to be able to filter across somewhat large numbers of events. Here is a scenario that we practice.
We host a growing 3 day conference of 700+ attendees with around 400 event sessions during that conference. Some are multi-session events that could take advantage of the recently implemented WA system of single registration for a multi-session event, while other events repeat but accept new registrants at these repeated sessions, while a few events consist of feeder sessions from which some attendees will continue to later sessions (think of a tournament for example).
Every year we have to recruit these events from event organizers the bulk of whom ran events at previous conferences. Both for the organizers and the administrators it is important to have useful access to these previous events. On the registration side the demand for these events has to be managed. Some events are so popular that they will fill up within a day of their being offered but the conference as a whole needs to be able to keep late registrants satisfied as well. If late registrants cannot get into any events they will be disappointed and some will start to demand refunds.
We have a system that does this but it is becoming obsolescent. The solution that we have adopted is to allocate a fixed percentage of the slots in the event for online registrations while we open the remainder during the conference itself. If we were to use WA during a conference we would have to do this on an event by event basis, potentially 400 times, in a short period of time.
We have a need to be able to search for and filter events by multiple storable search criteria and to modify subsets of those events en masse.
Scot McConnachie supported this idea ·
155 votes
Scot McConnachie supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Scot McConnachie commented
Just as for events there is a volunteer workflow which includes recruiting, categorizing, training, scheduling, evaluating the performance, and thanking our volunteers. As organizations differ in their practices there should be some flexibility in setting up this workflow.
We have a need to integrate our volunteers with our events where volunteers at one time may be event participants at another so when someone schedules themselves at an event they can see an entire schedule of their activities both as volunteers and as event participants. These schedules need to have controllable visibility so that department heads, not just system administrators, can see and review the schedule.
98 votes
Scot McConnachie supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Scot McConnachie commented
This is a really big issue. With so many social networking options data entry across those options has become either very tedious or not an option.
48 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Scot McConnachie commented
Some event fields have redundant information that can be used between events. For example we use the same event location for most events.
Furthermore our convention utilizes an event categorization and event numbering system.
Having additional fields that can be defined for custom use would be very useful to us.
Have presets of standard information for event fields would be useful.
Scot McConnachie supported this idea ·
65 votes
Scot McConnachie supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Scot McConnachie commented
We sometimes have to perform annual reconciliations of user accounts. Having such a feature would be of great use to us
23 votes
Scot McConnachie supported this idea ·
111 votes
Evgeny Zaritovskiy responded
Merged multiple thread into this one. Please, vote (click Vote button) to increase its priority
Scot McConnachie supported this idea ·
7 votes
Scot McConnachie supported this idea ·
Scot McConnachie shared this idea ·
11 votes
Evgeny Zaritovskiy responded
Can be done together with showing a map –
Scot McConnachie supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Scot McConnachie commented
As a (hopefully) friendly amendment, I suggest allowing event administrators to have a list of editable venues, each venue having this information, that could be attached to events. This would allow some validation control over event locations as well as simplifying data entry.
This is a good idea.
It not only saves on administrative effort; it can also be used to provide data validation on location details.