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34 results found
URL without WA add on
Offer small non-profits the free service you now offer WITH the ability to have their URL name without the wildapricot add-on.
To pay over $500 a year for being able to use just our domain name just isnt a good solution for us. Thank you.
1 voteI understand where it’s coming from, but this is not what we ever be able to provide. We own just a handful of our own domains and pay for them, and we provide all of them for free to our clients. Custom domain names is not something we can provide for free, keeping the same price of the service.
Member based mailing list
Mailing lists - we have a mailing list where members (and non-members) can receive and send messages. There is nothing similar in wild apricot.
1 voteWe use forums functionality instead for this and we do not have plans to introduce special mailing list. But we do have listserv feature requests – this may be similar to what you want.
Mass emails easier with Apple Computer
Make sending mass emails easier from using templates to sending with Apple computer
1 voteUnclear request
Improve email software
Improve email design software. Easier, better looking, and consistent appearance from design view to inbox.
1 vote -
Customer Support ???
We hear about a new and improved customer support system but, in the meantiime, you have suspended customer support totally. How is this a good thing? When will the really great customer spport be up?
3 votes -
Go back to the old email design - this new wizard is the worst idea you've ever had
Allow users to choose to go back to the old email wizard. The new one is a disaster. It takes twice as long to compose an email now and it's inconvenient because you can't see your composition and distribution entirely until the last step. A complete waste of time and effort. Get rid of it. (and work on the response time of the member searches instead). A real disappointment.
1 vote -
Add compliant information to forum system emails
Looking at the knowledge base, I see that emails all have to meet regulations. The regulations vary somewhat but all require the organization's contact information. When a system email is sent out for the daily forum notifications, there is an unsubscribe link but NO name, address, etc. Shouldn't this be part of the emails to make sure we're all in compliance?
From WA KB: Your message must include your valid physical postal address.
1 vote -
Remobe dialog box
tHIS DIALOG BOX MAKES IT Impossible to update changes. How about a answer questions later or not at all button?
1 voteYou can always click X in the right corner to close it.
CC Email
Second email copy to
1 voteUnclear what you mean
thankful for the new updates
i love lOVE LOVE this new version. The templates for email blasts is great, easy to implement. Awesome.
1 vote -
Would be handy to be able to paste in email recipients without having to load them as contacts first and then select each contact individual
Would be handy to be able to paste in email recipients without having to load them as contacts first and then select each contact individually. Perhaps after that there could be an option to load the recipients as contacts, rather that the other way around.
Just some ideas!
1 vote -
Imporove macro functionality in event emails
Once event details have been added online, we insert the event details macro in our scheduled event announcement emails. However, when these emails are sent, the event details have extra spacing and the formatting is never the same as it appears online. Improving this functionality would greatly enhance the quality of these emails.
1 vote -
Only send membership renewal reminder emails to those members who have not yet renewed
Currently, the automatic membership renewal reminder emails go to an entire membership class, which contributes to email fatigue for those who have already renewed their membership.
Set these automatic reminders to only go to those members who have not yet renewed.8 votesWe have checked it and renewal reminders are NOT sent to members who have already renewed their membership. If you believe it’s not true, please contact our support so they will have a look into your account and data.
Disabling workflow emails
Does anyone know why there is no option to disable ONLY the workflow emails? It first appears that you can just uncheck the box, but this is not so--when you click "edit" the message says you can only disable it if you choose to disable ALL email to the member.
This is an issue because we've had several members complain about the influx of too many emails.
Am I missing something?
2 votesWe cannot disable workflow emails, they are required for proper system functioning. But I do agree that number of email has to be decreased and as Oleg mentioned, we have another post for this.
- Don't see your idea?