We have many members who want to gift memberships (and donations) in honor of another family or friend. The current form design is confusing as to how to fill in the data fields--do I fill it in for me or for the recipient? We can add custom fields, but they are always displayed at the bottom of the form where the giver doesn't see them until they scroll down. Then they have to go back up and correct the top part of the form. Most frustrating is that there is no way to send separate notifications/confirmations. The giver needs a receipt for acknowledgement/thanks and tax records, while the recipient should get notification that they are now a member and who the giver was.
We have many members who want to gift memberships (and donations) in honor of another family or friend. The current form design is confusing as to how to fill in the data fields--do I fill it in for me or for the recipient? We can add custom fields, but they are always displayed at the bottom of the form where the giver doesn't see them until they scroll down. Then they have to go back up and correct the top part of the form. Most frustrating is that there is no way to send separate notifications/confirmations. The giver needs a receipt for acknowledgement/thanks and tax records, while the recipient should get notification that they are now a member and who the giver was.