I would suggest having a "category" called Firm Name with fields for their address and phone info. Then when adding a new member, that Firm Name can be selected and their fields would auto populate with the firm info. The advantage would be if you had a firm with many members attached to it and that firm was moving their physical location, you could simply change the address to the firm and it would automatically change the address for each individual member. Right now, you have to export the membership list, make the changes in an excel sheet and then re-import that back into Wild Apricot. This is a cumbersome way to make a fairly simple change.
I would suggest having a "category" called Firm Name with fields for their address and phone info. Then when adding a new member, that Firm Name can be selected and their fields would auto populate with the firm info. The advantage would be if you had a firm with many members attached to it and that firm was moving their physical location, you could simply change the address to the firm and it would automatically change the address for each individual member. Right now, you have to export the membership list, make the changes in an excel sheet and then re-import that back into Wild Apricot. This is a cumbersome way to make a fairly simple change.