My feedback
1 result found
486 votes
Team Husky responded
Sorry for the late update.
The first step was finished and emails can now be carbon copied to contact’s alternative emails. To do so the contact fields which store the alternative emails must be explicitly marked on the email setting page.
Unsubscribing will unsubscribe all alternative emails simultaneously because they all belong to the very same account. The person clicking “unsubscribe” is warned about this on the unsubscribe page.
For now we paused the development of this feature. but not for good. :) So I’m changing this wish status back to “collecting comments”.
Thank you everyone for a valuable feedback.
An error occurred while saving the comment FlatRockStan supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment FlatRockStan commented
I understand about costs, but I think WA is dismissing customer request without thinking it through. In our use, we need the second Email option for some of our members, and do significant extra work to set up and maintain (but link as best we can) separate couple accounts to achieve the end. And still we have the problem then of still sending the other half of a couple reminders when one has replied. If Email cost is the WA concern, it seems it would be simple to set up WA accounting that the second Email entry counts as a second member.
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