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10 votes
Evgeny Zaritovskiy responded
I believe the best way to address this is to have Address as a special type of field which gives a set of fields to fill in. Admin then can have many addresses (like Home, Work, etc.) for contacts and the system will know how to handle this kind of field – including convenient data entry with converting ZIP into City, etc.
I renamed the idea to have Address in titlePaul supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Paul shared this idea ·
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Paul commented
[quote user="Fresh Apricot"]Would anyone be interested in learning how to add a text based ( and easy to update ) clickable Organization Chart / Site map ? See Sample:[/quote]
Link is still broken! Would love this for my site we are building.
[quote user="jim"]Sorry we currently do not have this functionality.[/quote]
Could you add this to your wishlist for consideration at a later date?