Extend functionality of sample Excel file
I will start this post off by saying that I am not a designer or coder, and that will probably be evident by my questions!
I love the new contact record API and using the supplied Excel file I was able to pull our membership database.
My question is this: Is it possible to set up the file to pull just members from a specific region or state and not the entire pool of members? The file for the full membership was around 6mb and took several minutes to run. I'd like to be able to narrow the query so that our officers can quickly download members in their regions. I see on the Fields tab where I can turn on and off particular fields, but I don't see how I can narrow down the search of a field. (Example: Field Name = Region, search and pull only results for Pacific Northwest).
I now that once I run the full database I can sort by anything that I want, but I was hoping there would be a way that I could run a report for specific criteria making it quicker and a smaller file.
Like I said, I am sure that my questions verified that I do not know what I am doing! But any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
The Excel file is just an example of API usage and anyone is free to take it and change in a way you want it to be.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
That is definitely possible with API, and the sample Excel file we provide does support some filtering - http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Wild+Apricot+API#WildApricotAPI-Filteringthesearchresults
You can change it and add more options, as API itself support quite sophisticated filtering system - see http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Contacts+API+call#ContactsAPIcall-FilteringAPIresults - but it would require changing the Excel file Visual Basic program code.
Unfortunately, we do not support our sample Excel file and do not provide services to change this code for you, but this should be quite easy for anyone with a little knowledge of programming in Visual Basic. The code in the Excel file just leverage API filtering abilities, so you can do any kind of filtering.
May be, someone else here in the forum will be able to help you with that.