Get Invoice
I'm trying to retrieve an invoice via the API with the endpoint /accounts/{accountId}/invoices/{invoiceId} but in the documentation it is impossible to make the call work:
The first parameter which should correspond to accountId is replaced by () and in the return example there is only "string".
If I test the endpoint, the accountId parameter is not sent with my value.
For information, I tested other API endpoints and they work:
- /
- /accounts
- /accounts/{accountId}
- /accounts/{accountId}/contacts
- /accounts/{accountId}/contacts/{contactId}
So I tested a PHP example provided by Wildapricot:
I replaced the connection values and everything works fine.
I tested the endpoint /accounts/{accountId}/invoices/{invoiceId}
and I have a 404 return code which means not found.
I made a call to the endpoint /accounts/{accountId}/invoices
and I have a return code 400 which means bad request.
I added the invoiceId parameter but still the same error.
Do you need to do anything special to use endpoint invoices?
Note that in the authorized app, I checked full access.

The API documentation has been fixed.
You can get the info about a particular invoice by adding the invoice ID at the end of the URL: /accounts/{accountId}/invoices/[invoiceId]
Also I can confirm we have issues with the API documentation currently, thanks for the signal! We are working on fixing it right now.