Privacy for Contact List
I had posted last week that I cant find out how the contacts list API respects privacy settings for each contact but as yet, no replies. Is there an API that can return the privacy settings a contact has specified? In this way, our app could maybe parse those privacy settings and figure out what contact fields (e.g. phone, email) it can display. In the absence of any such API, or the contact list API ignoring contact privacy our app will be making personal private information public which is obviously a show stopper.
David Murphy commented
Alternatively - is there any API call the app can make to ascertain the contact's privacy settings and thereby use that information to avoid publicising contact info such as phone and email that the contact has marked private?
David Murphy commented
Update: I tried using non-admin credentials for the contacts API call. However, the call just fails with HTTP 400. (whereas I would have thought it should be HTTP 403 if the issue is the call is not authorized)
David Murphy commented
Still no response on this one. The credentials used for this API contacts call are admin credentials (so authentication is the documented User login + password approach). Is it possible to use non-admin credentials for an API call and if yes, will the API then comply with the contact's privacy settings and not send info such as phone and email which the contact has marked as private?