WA OAuth SSO Implementation for YM Careers
I'm trying to connect WA with YM Careers for OAuth SSO Implementation.
They asked for the below information, and I think I got most, but there are some things I'm not sure on. I should also add I'm not a programmer and trying to figure this out.
In the WA information it sounds like I might have to create an API, but not really sure if I do, and if so how I would even do that. Any assistance or guidance would be appreciated.
WA Website I've been trying to follow: https://gethelp.wildapricot.com/en/articles/200
Auth URL:
I got this.
Token URL:
I think it is this?: https://oauth.wildapricot.org/auth/token
Profile URL:
I also have this figured out
Parameters: Access Token:
I'm a little unsure on this, but I think maybe it is...
POST https://oauth.wildapricot.org/auth/token
Authorization: Basic Y2xpZW50X2lkOmNsaWVudF9wYXNzd29yZA== granttype=authorizationcode&code=09827394752790347&clientid=CLIENTID&redirecturi=http://callback.yourdomain.com&scope=contactsme
Required – True or False
I'm not sure what this should be.
Permission Scope:
Grant Type:

Eric Miller commented
I should also add it looks like they are asking for some mapping, but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to know what to put in for the mapping. See attached image.