Best way to add featured images functionality to blog posts
I need this basic requirement for the website, which has 2 components:
Add an image select field in the Blog post -> Create new entry form
Allow the image selected from #1 to be accessible in the Recent blog posts gadget
I'm a developer - I do whatever custom work needs to be done, but I want to know is this even possible working within Wild Apricot's system? Is it possible with theme overrides? What would be the "correct" way of achieving this?

TheWebSerf commented
I made this happen. First of all, editing the template files is virtually useless because everything that you want to edit is not available to edit. So the next option is manipulating it with jquery and css. Since they use overflow:hidden and a max height on the blogs, the whole blog post is there, its just a matter of going through each post and taking out what you want and hiding the rest.
email me for help
MickCreates commented
Any word on this? has anyone been able to solve this?
I've tried a number of edits to the Item.tpl for the RecentBlogPosts gadget without any luck including:<$it.Body$>
<$it.Image$>Even if it's just a method to display an excerpt of the blog post, at least then I can display the initial image then filter out the rest of the content.