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Mostly about Wild Apricot API. Feel free to share examples of your code!

103 results found

  1. Having trouble authenticating in Postman

    I'm working on authenticating in Postman for an upcoming project and this is what I'm sending:

    POST /auth/token HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Basic {{API KEY GOES HERE}}
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Content-Length: 40


    But I'm consistently getting a 401 Unauthorized error with this output:

    "error": "invalidclient",
    description": null,
    "error_uri": null

    I'm able to retrieve a token using the tool at and make calls using the API browser but, since I'm working on an integration with an existing application, I really need to be able to make a call on my own. Any hints on…

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  2. Payment and invoice allocation

    I have posted some payments via the payments API with the following JSON:
    "Value": 0.65,
    "DocumentDate": "2022-12-18",
    "Invoices": [ {"id": 002049} ],
    "Tender": {"id": 1038048},
    "Contact": {"id": 12345678},
    "Comment": "Test Payment to allocate to invoice",
    "PaymentType": "InvoicePayment"
    The invoice number is correct (and has to be 0 justified otherwise the API fails), the payment is correctly entered in Wild Apricot but the response returns <AllocatedValue>0.0000</AllocatedValue>
    As a result, the payment needs to be manually settled in Wild Apricot against that same invoice.
    I expected the provision of the invoice number would automatically settle the payment. Did I miss…

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  3. Events filter Isupcoming doesn't work

    Using the following base:

    I can successfully list ALL events, or filter the list by Name using substringof, but...

    The following filters don't work:
    '$filter' => 'EndDate lt 2022-12-31'
    '$filter' => 'IsUpcoming eq true'
    '$filter' => 'IsUpcoming eq True'

    What gives?

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  4. How to add a Registrant to a Waitlist using the API?

    I have a C# application that successfully adds registrants to an existing event. However, I have been unable to add registrants to the Waitlist when the event has reached its limit.

    The following documentation on the web shows how to add registrations to an event:

    However, I have been unable to locate similar documentation for adding to the Waitlist. Does anyone know how to add new registrants to an Event's Waitlist?

    Appreciate any assistance.

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  5. Contacts API: filter non-members

    How do I access non-members using the Contacts API. I have already tried '&$filter=Member ne true' but that seems to just return a list of all the contacts including members that have a membership associated to their account.

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  6. All Events API not returning all data

    Hi, I am calling all the events and get all the data up until 'tags', but the swaggerhub documentation shows that details, description, etc. I know all of this can be accessed through the /events/{event_id}, but then if I am querying all the upcoming events and need the details, I am then looping through and performing 20+ api calls, which seems redundant. I was curious if you can retrieve the details, description, etc via the /events/ api, or if the documentation has it listed incorrectly. Thanks.

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  7. Contact API Returns Dataset or Status

    Sometimes the v2.2 API calls (done via API token and auth built on the PHP class from your sampleApplication.php on GitHub) to get a specific Contact returns the user's fieldset, and sometimes it returns an object with a State of either 'Waiting' or 'Complete'.

    I've tried adding ?$async=false but it doesn't seem to change anything. Matter of fact, when I added $async=false&$select='First name','Last name' (as mentioned here in the forums, previously) I got a 400 bad request.

    It seems like sometimes the API kicks butt and returns everything I need instantly, but other times it sends a Status of either…

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  8. Batch request does not support member api ?

    Tried below payload

    "Id": "profile",
    "Order": 0,
    "PathAndQuery": "/v2.2/accounts/{{accountId}}/contacts",
    "Method": "GET"

    But get this response

    "RequestId": "profile",
    "HttpStatusCode": 400,
    "HttpReasonPhrase": "Request path does not look like valid API request",
    "ResponseData": null

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  9. How to map radio button or multiple choice field for add contact via api

    I have the contact form with different text box fields and radion buttons and multiple-choice values. i need to add these form entries in my Wild Apricot Contact list via API.

    I have mapped successfully string and single-line text fields. but not able to map the like radio button fields and checkbox fields. please can you help me out this? i am using node.js to send API requests.

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  10. API Send Email - Cannot specify Reply to Address

    I have been able to create and send emails via the API using a POST to /rpc/{accountId}/email/SendEmail. However, I have not found a way to change the default reply to address (the default is
    Is there a way to specify a Reply To address similar to the option available when drafting an email on the website?
    Thanks, Paul

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  11. Check in member to an event using event registrations API

    Knowing the eventID and memberID, it would be ideal if the API could allow me to check that member into that eventregistation.

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  12. Custom field that a member can only view from a Wild Apricot restricted webpage using the API from JavaScript

    I would like the ability to create a membership database field that a logged-in member can view from a Wild Apricot restricted webpage using the API from JavaScript. Administrators with Membership manager access would be able to view and edit this field.

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  13. Deactivate

    I would like to be able to deactivate a member through the API. Deactivating a pending membership is possible through /rpc/{accountId}/RejectPendingMembership, but that doesn't seem to be intended for existing memberships.

    I tried sending a PUT to /rpc/Accounts/{accountId}/Contacts/{member_id} with 'MembershipEnabled: false', as well as setting FieldValues like "Member", "SuspendedMember", and "Membership enabled", but this returned a 400 error.

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  14. Sending email via API

    I'm trying to use the send email API call - but not having any luck.

    I've tried from the API browser and via a Google Apps script. In both, I just get a 400 error.

    I'm POSTing to<ACCOUNT>/email/sendemail, with this as my body:
    "Subject": "test email",
    "Body": "test email",
    "Recipients": [
    "Id": 0,
    "Type": "IndividualRecipient",
    "Name": "test",
    "Email": "<HIDDEN>"
    "EventId": <EVENTID>

    (account, email and event id have been hidden). Each time, I get a 400 error: Parameter is required: EmailDraftParam.
    The swagger documentation doesn't mention a "EmailDraftParam". What am I doing wrong?

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  15. Single Sign On Very simple Ruby on Rails snippet

    I have been able to implement bare bones Wild Apricot single sign on steps in a blank Ruby on Rails project, thanks to Wild Apricot support! Please find attached a redacted and commented version of the code here for anyone who is trying to do similar with their own custom web app. This snippet prints out the ID of the user who is signed in.

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  16. Event creation via API cannot set all fields

    I am creating Events using the API and cannot see how the following fields can be set (I can set these as an Administrator in the website) .....

    Show registrants who want to be listed
    to everyone
    to members only
    Include pending registrations

    Also I cannot see how the schedule for email announcements and reminders for an Event can be set via the API?

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    Team Mobile responded

    Status update in case someone new will see this topic:
    The section “Show registrants who want to be listed” have been added to API already.

    Schedule for email announcements and reminders can’t be set via API at the moment.

    As a workaround, you could create a template event on the web, set the start date in the distant future and all settings you need. Then you can clone it via POST request:{AccountId}/CloneEvent
    The request body should be like this:
    {“EventId”: 123456}

  17. Nicasio Design APP

    We are getting very close to launching a comprehensive member facing APP which will allow members to:
    1- download the APP
    2- Login or Register to your org
    3- View and Register to events
    4- Edit their profiles
    5- Browse member directory

    Stand by for updates!

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  18. API v2 Events - AccessLevel and Sorting


    I'm using the API v2 to extract Events for a custom event list in another site. So far, the API is working.

    I can get a list of event objects, but they seem to be in the order in which they were entered, not in the order of their dates! (date order should be the default sort, IMHO) Is there a way I can specify the sort order in the request URL?

    Also, the API returns ALL events regardless of access level: is there a way to restrict the returned set to be just public events?


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  19. Google Sheets API example not working

    Has anyone successfully worked through the Google Spreadsheet application from ?
    It seems to be missing a lot.
    Following the instructions I get Exception: Request failed for returned code 400. Truncated ser.....
    There is noting on setting it up as an authorized application or entering the API key (which I have done). Also nothing on the Application Name.
    There just seems to be a lot missing (like trigger deployment in Google sheets).

    Can anyone shed any light on this ?

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  20. Recreate the Members report via API?

    I looked all thru the API reference on swagger and the most likely place this data is being pulled is the the auditlog. I want to grab the member levels at the end of each month of a given date range. Is this possible via the API? Thanks!!

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