This forum is for any designer (new and old) who is involved in the design of a Wild Apricot based websites.
373 results found
disable the jump-to-search-box in Directory widget?
If I have a Directory widget with a search field embedded on my website, whenever you visit that page, the browser jumps down to the search box.
Can I disable this?
3 votes -
Can you add a solid background behind a slideshow gadget only?
I would like to add a solid background behind a slideshow gadget to help it stand out from the website background image. I can't find a gadget setting that will allow me to do this. Is there away to do it? If not, can I add a border around the gadget?
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switch icon set
I'd like to be able to switch icon sets for a given theme, or modify the existing set. I've selected one of the whiteboard themes and ended up modifying pretty much all the colors in the theme...but the icon set ( is still that brown color. I'd much prefer a grayscale option, OR to be able to upload my own in the accent color of my choosing.
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Chat Integrations
Integrate chat ops into WA sites. As a member of my local IIBA chapter, I'd like to host a HopChat chat room on my WA site without having to use a klugey i-Frame. (i.e. allow jquery to work).
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I have embedded several WA widgets in my WordPress website for a client. I've used the CSS suggested to redce the size of the widget, but I want to make the content fit my webpage. I've attached a screenshot of one instance at . Can you help? Thank you so much!
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Change Subscription button to Submit
Is there a way to change the Subscription button on the Subscription Form to say Submit instead?
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Find examples of or sharing of custom gadgets? Similar to how Axure has an entire community based sharing program.
I'm not even really sure where I am supposed to post this. I am looking for a community of Wild Apricot users who share code for custom widgets. Similar to
I am a designer, not a developer and at the moment I am trying to figure out how to customize my search widget so that it's an expandable search, but I am sure as I progress I will be looking to customize even more and would really like to be able to pull from what others have done. I in turn would like to share any widget customization I…3 votes -
HTML eMail without META tags makes RESPONSIVE design useless...
Since the Wild Apricot HTML Editor removes META tags, the @media queries for mobile device responsive designs are useless, since the "<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">" is lost and therefore on the mobile device the eMail app ignores them...
Since Wild Apricot is "going Responsive" now, I strongly recommend that this is a part of the future too, there has to be responsiveness in eMail design to be complete.
I spent couple of hours and trial and error until I noticed that the viewport meta tag is just removed and not my @media queries were wrong.
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Customizing Public Member Profiles
I am evaluating WA for a client that is considering using it and am trying to get a grasp on how much we can customize the site.
CSS and JavaScript can take you only so far so I am looking at theme overrides and the first thing I tried to do as a test case is to change the layout of the individual member profiles on the public-facing pages, which will be one of the requirements of the actual site. So I downloaded the theme and looked through both the files and the documentation on the site, but for the…
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Overall File Storage Limit
I would love for the Storage Limit to be much larger. I would pay more $ for more space. I'm talking 10 to 25 GB. 1000 MB is not enough for business like mine to share larger documents, presentations, PDF's. Right now I am paying for space for me and my colleagues to share information. That is $ you guys could be making. Maybe you guys can team up with Dropbox and profit off each other. Just a thought.
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Hide FREE Label next to Registration Title in Events
Is there a way to hide the Free label that is appearing when I create an Event? It appears next to the Registration Title. It shows Tiitle - Free. See below.
Also, is there a way to have the actual Registration button that you click to say something else? I would like for it to say Submit instead of Registration. Thank you.
Start February 09, 2010
06:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Location Atlanta, GeorgiaRegistration Test Project - Free
3 votes -
Rotating banner ads
Hey ya'll
I'm in need of a rotating banner ad and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations on what is the best method to accomplish this. java? flash? Anyone?
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New Nicasio Theme #8
We now have 8 WA Themes to offer - here is the 8th one:
https://nicasio-theme-8.wildapricot.org2 votes -
Looking for a Designer
We are looking for a designer to help us with our Wild Apricot website, Please contact me if you are interested: (Heather).
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Change Menu Length
My menu length only increases if I have more tabs, which can only be seen with an account login. When someone is not logged in, this is the view that they see. Is there any way to just increase the block size?
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What's the custom design experience like?
I have a client that's looking to build a new site with an integrated member portal/forum. I'm thinking of recommending WA but haven't designed for it before. Would love to hear from professional designers about the experience. Are you able to customize the layout easily? Anything you particularly like or dislike? Would you recommend building the site through this platform or would you go with something like Wordpress and integrate the member features through a plugin?
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Ability to control font substitution for email in Mobile View
More font options - in general.
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Redirect based on whether or not member is logged in
Is there a way to redirect a logged in member to a certain page? I created a Members page tailored to what is most important to our existing members. Our "Home page" is more of a marketing page for non-members. I thought that by setting "starting page" as the Members page for members they would go directly to the Members page when they open the website. That only works after a log-in action. If they've clicked the "remember me" button they go to the Home page. Essentially what I'd like the system to do is check to see if a…
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Calendar gadget: prevent day-name line from scrolling off the page
On the Calendar app in Month setting, when scrolling up, the top line which contains the day-names also scrolls up and disappears. This confuses the users, who get confused about which column is which day. So I added a content gadget, inserted a table with 1-row and 7-columns with the day-name in each column. How do I make this gadget remain in its place on the page and NOT scroll up, or if it does scroll up, it does not scroll off the visible page, allowing the calendar passing up and down beneath it.
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How do I remove extra space between columns in directory in mobile view external website
Yes, I'm new!
On the Wild Apricot version (and the widget) of the members directory there is extra space between the columns in mobile view - is there a way to remove the space between the <td>s in a row when viewed on a phone?
Here is the html for a row:
<tr class="normal" onclick="MemberDirectoryListRenderer.redirectToMemberDetails('')" onmouseover="MemberDirectoryListRenderer.highlightRowAndNext(this)" onmouseout="MemberDirectoryListRenderer.normlightRowAndNext(this)"><td class="memberDirectoryColumn1" width="40%"><div class="memberValue"><h5><a title="Go to member details" onclick="globalUtils.stopEventPropogation(event)" href="">Smith, Irv</a></h5></div></td></div></td>
<td class="memberDirectoryColumn2" width="40%"><div class="memberValue">Superintendent</div><div class="memberValue">IBM</div><div class="memberValue"><a href="" onclick="window.location=this.href;BonaPage.stopEvent(event);"></a></div></td>
<td class="memberDirectoryColumn3" width="20%"><div class="memberValue">333-3333</div><div class="memberValue">333-3333/div></td></tr>
Thanks for any advise!!!
2 votes
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