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This forum is for any designer (new and old) who is involved in the design of a Wild Apricot based websites.

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  1. Hiding the stop recurring button

    When a member signs into the site, and then looks up their profile, they have an option to stop recurring payments of their membership fees.

    How do we hide the "Stop recurring payment" button so they do not have the option of stopping recurring payments?

    What is the css code?

    Please help! Thank you.

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  2. Hiding Sub-Menus (in members section)

    Is there a method for not having sub-pages show up as a sup-menu? I don't want any sub-menus on my site.

    For example, when a user logs in and reaches the main members section, every sub-section is listed in an ever growing menu below the main menu. This is distracting as there is already a table of contents-like menu listed on the main page.

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  3. Class view to mark attendance and homework

    We lead workshops that require us to keep track of attendance (7 meetings) and assignments (4) for each participant.

    We can put a yes/no for each thing in the contact record for each participant.

    How could the whole class be displayed to be able to check it off easily? (meaning without having to click through to each contact record.)

    Thanks in advance!


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  4. Example of login box customization using Theme Overrides

    You might have noticed that a new capability called "Theme Overrides " was introduced in Wild Apricot release 4.2. Unfortunately, this unclear name actually hides quite an impressive set of functions to customize your site's visual behavior, much more expanded than it was before. I want to show you my own example of using of this technology so you can see how it has improved.

    Let us show the example of how login box is presented in Wild Apricot. While having fields to enter email and password on any page might be convenient in some cases, in other cases…

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  5. background images in the navigation

    I have a left navigation menu, and would like to put separate background images in each menu item (not a single background image for the whole menu). I do not have any subpages, just the main level of links. I've done this before with a spry menu but can't figure out where to insert the backgrounds in all this CSS. Please help if you can! Thanks.

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  6. Using custom fonts

    I I am wanting to use some custome fonts on my WA site - am not particularly fussed as to which method as long as it works.

    Of Cufon, SiFR and @fontface (CSS) methods avaiable, the latter is probably preferred.

    The problem I am encountering is the supporting file types (.eot, .ttf, etc) and where to host them as WA does not as far as I can see, support upload of these filetypes. I have tried imnplementing using remote hosting options, but it doesn't seem to want to play nicely.....

    Any suggestions as to a work around? (By the way,…

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  7. CSS customization of site

    Here is my problem:

    The way that we are utilizing the Wild Apricot site is as a membership management site. We have an existing website that we are integrating some of the widget pages from WA, into. This means that for the most part, I simply need to modify many of the style settings of the widgets, to match the style of the existing website.

    At one point, I thought that I had done this. Then, somehow, the theme was changed. Now, the colors and text are different. I have literally put off going in to fix this because every…

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  8. Custom HTML Code Being Removed Upon Save

    I have a number of pages with custom <style> tags in the HTML. I add them by clicking Edit HTML on a specific page. I actually use them to override the user.css styles in the external style sheet.

    Example - I have some flash code for a rotating image banner in my footer. I only want to show this on my home page. So in my user.css file I add a style rule that hides it for all pages:

    idflashimage{display; none;}

    (I place the flash embed code inside a DIV that I have assigned an ID to and hide that)

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  9. Hide text: Fill in application form


    On this page:

    Can I either hide og costumize the text 'Fill in application form' ?

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  10. Multi-Column Display for Single Browsing Categories

    Sometimes you only have one column for browsing but it's squeezed into a narrow column.

    You can scretch it out across the entire page using this CSS customization.



    idF1Options ul

    width: 70em;

    idF1Options ul li

    float: left;
    width: 10em;

    clear: left;
    margin-bottom: 2em;

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  11. Pictures in the left Navigation Container?


    I have currently chose a hybrid template (main navigation on across the top, and sub-items along the left side), and have customized it a bit. The login box is also in the left submenu, although I have limited it to showing only on certian Members accessed pages.

    I would like to add more to the left Navigation Container, like a 200x100 picture that tell of an event or theme, or iframes or even widgets. If it was stacked from top to bottom, the navigation container would look like: Image, Sub-Items Menu, Log-in (that I've turned on for appriotate…

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  12. Testamonial box

    can I add an area below the login container to show testamonialson my website homepage?and if so any advice on what to do, I know a little CSS

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