Hide FREE Label next to Registration Title in Events
Is there a way to hide the Free label that is appearing when I create an Event? It appears next to the Registration Title. It shows Tiitle - Free. See below.
Also, is there a way to have the actual Registration button that you click to say something else? I would like for it to say Submit instead of Registration. Thank you.
Start February 09, 2010
06:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Location Atlanta, Georgia
Registration Test Project - Free

naisula commented
I second the motion to have customization on the Registration button. It would be nice to have the freedom to make the registration button itself say something else, whether it is "Submit," "Purchase tickets," etc. Please add this to the wish list! Thank you.
Steve Andrews commented
The code for hiding the Free label for event registration types with no registration fee has changed since Version 5. Here is the updated approach to hide or change the Free label:
http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Event+registration+types#Eventregistrationtypes-HidingorchangingtheFreelabel If you have any problems with these instructions, fill out the help feedback at the bottom of the help page.
anonymous_96.44.245.50 commented
This can be done by adding some custom Javascript code under Settings > Global Javascript: <script type="text/javascript"> var myPage = document.getElementById('idEventPageContainer'); if (myPage){ myPage.innerHTML = myPage.innerHTML.replace(/\-? ?Free/g, ''); } </script>
Matthieu commented
Unfortunately it isn't possible to hide the "Free" label. You may be able to change the text on the button using javascript, but you would need to do it for each individual button for each event, you would not be able to do it globally.