Alexey Podolsky
My feedback
8 results found
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An error occurred while saving the comment Alexey Podolsky commented
What's your currently selected theme and what's your site' URL? I can provide you with a quickfix at least. Thank you!
0 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Alexey Podolsky commented
possible via javascript and output parsing.
For example, this snippet extracts time from event and puts it in a special separate div:
var rx = /\d*:.*/;
//getting and moving dates
jq$.each(jq$("#<$Model.Id$> .dateonly"), function (k,v)
var s = jq$(v).html().match(rx, "");
if (s && s[0])
jq$(v).html(jq$(v).html().replace(rx, ""));
jq$("<span class='time'>"+s[0]+"</span>").insertBefore(v);
); -
0 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Alexey Podolsky commented
this would do the trick:
0 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Alexey Podolsky commented
#idNavigationContainer ul.menuLevel1 li.itemNormal:hover
background: none !important
should work.
Feel free to ask for extra help.
ps: if you use firebug for debugging, there's super useful feature to show classes for hovered or active elements. just select desired element and press triangle at "Style" tab to select :hover state.
0 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Alexey Podolsky commented
<$if (it.IsFirstItem)$>
<div class="header-nav"><$it.Title$></div>
<a class="no-underline" href="<$it.Url$>"><div class="header-nav"><$it.Title$></div></a>
this code just shows the first element (your home page) without link.
2) should be more complicated, but still possible without JS. Main problem is that we cannot compare agains certain values in TE, so it is virually impossible to detect required item in collection. The solution might be the following:
a) copy URL of login page somewhere (now it is /Default.aspx?pageId=1241083)
b) move login page in your site structure editor to the second level of any other page, thus it won't show in your current menu.
c) Add the following code after or before <$Model.Items:{...}$>
<$if (PageModel.IsAnonymousView)$>
<a class="no-underline" href=/Default.aspx?pageId=1241083"><div class="header-nav">Join</div></a>
this will render Join link only for non-logged-in members.
For list of general page and menu parameters lurk thru
might be helpful
feel free to experiment and report results (;
0 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Alexey Podolsky commented
Can u provide an example site? I really doubt it is WA-related issue.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Alexey Podolsky commented
Sorry f/the delay, let's see how can i help you.
First, take a look at source code of your page (exactly speaking, at the part where your scripts are loaded). Are they really nested? If yes, there's something wrong with script loading template.
Go to Head.tpl and check if the following line exists:
<$PageModel.Scripts:Links(script = "true")$>
This line gets PageModel.Scripts collection (which is populated by .js files in your scripts folder) and applies Links.tpl template to every item in it. This line also passes script = true param to Links.tpl.
Second, take a look at Links.tpl itself. Among other if branches, you'll see the following:
<$if(script)$><script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="<$it.Path$>" id="<$it.Id$>"></script><$endif$>
It first compares if script param is true (as we passed it in Head.tpl), than outputs a script line loading javascript and closes(!!!) the tag.
Maybe you've changed the files accidentally?
Further reading:
Feel free to email me your website address, so we can find the problem out personally.
just added the following lines to your theme css:
.WaGadgetLoginButton a.loginBoxChangePassword,
.WaGadgetLoginButton a.loginBoxLogout,
.WaGadgetLoginButton .loginBoxProfileLink a
color: white;
this code seems to do the trick. please report if everything's right.