Customizing the Event List Gadget?
Is there any way to get in there, change the order of the items that display, and assign CSS classes to each individual element?
Would like to get THIS:
<div class="custom_event_DATE">September 5, 2014</div>
<div class="custom_event_TITLE">My Huge Block Party</div>
<div class="custom_event_LOCATION">
Somewhere address near your house<br>
Some City, South Carolina, 29115

Alexey Podolsky commented
possible via javascript and output parsing.
For example, this snippet extracts time from event and puts it in a special separate div:
var rx = /\d*:.*/;
//getting and moving dates
jq$.each(jq$("#<$Model.Id$> .dateonly"), function (k,v)
var s = jq$(v).html().match(rx, "");
if (s && s[0])
jq$(v).html(jq$(v).html().replace(rx, ""));
jq$("<span class='time'>"+s[0]+"</span>").insertBefore(v);