Emphatically agree, this is a very broken model. I was surprised to find that automatic reminders went out to those with recurring payments enabled. From my conversation with support folks, apparently this is even true for the "renewal day" reminder. You'd think that at least it would process the renewal before processing the reminder. As it is, I have to include a bunch of "please ignore the spam if you're on auto-renewal, it's not our fault, WildApricot is just lame" verbiage in the messages.
And no, it's not a question of membership level. The *availability* of the recurring payments feature can be turned on or off per level, but that doesn't mean that all members of a given level have it *enabled*. We have effectively only one membership level, and like others have described, we have a mix of automatic renewal and manual renewal members.
Emphatically agree, this is a very broken model. I was surprised to find that automatic reminders went out to those with recurring payments enabled. From my conversation with support folks, apparently this is even true for the "renewal day" reminder. You'd think that at least it would process the renewal before processing the reminder. As it is, I have to include a bunch of "please ignore the spam if you're on auto-renewal, it's not our fault, WildApricot is just lame" verbiage in the messages.
And no, it's not a question of membership level. The *availability* of the recurring payments feature can be turned on or off per level, but that doesn't mean that all members of a given level have it *enabled*. We have effectively only one membership level, and like others have described, we have a mix of automatic renewal and manual renewal members.