member API examples or tutorial
Question: I'm looking for an example of using the member API in a wild apricot site page
Background: I'm hoping to provide a page listing registrants of an event. I believe I could use the member api, specifically "/accounts/{accountId}/EventAttendees" I've looked at the sample code ( ) but it appears these are all written with the Admin API.
mike commented
I did mine a little different but it works....
If you know the event ID you can look us the registrants straight off, if no use this to find an event or events and recurse through them, you'll need to set your filter<your accountid>/events?$filter=once you have the event id you can bring up the registrations for each event<event id>This holds some basic info on the contact, but if you need more it also hold the url for the contact so you can get the full contact record.