Date timezone?
- Date timezone - If I get a datetime back from an API call in JSON (e.g. an event start date) in which timezone is that date expressed? I was thinking it would be expressed in UTC but that does not seem to be the case. It appears to be expressed in my current timezone PDT. e.g. if my event in California (PDT) starts at 9:00 am PDT then does the event start time JSON string returned come back as 9:00 am or 4:00 pm? (i.e. expressed in the PDT or UTC time zone)
The JSON date string in question has not undergone any processing in the app when it's displayed. It's simply retrieved from the JSON data returned by the query (..v1/accounts/{accountid}/events) as a string and printed. (This is Swift iOS code)
API returns dates in ISO 8601 format. Here is an example:
date: 2019-11-15
time: 15:05:39.453
UTC offcet: -04:00
AI uses UTC offset of your organization’s timezone.