Unable to parse EventDate in UpcomingEvents gadget
Currently an event date in the Upcoming Events gadget is dumped as a date string of 1 Oct 2021 8:30 AM (UTC-00:00)
This isn't user friendly.
<$it.EventDate$> doesn't offer any filtering options, and sadly something like <$it.EventDay$>/<$it.EventMonth$>/<$it.EventYear$> does not exist.
I've tried parsing the dates with jQuery, whilst this works fine in codepen tests it does not work in production on Wild apricot:
jQuery("div.date").each(function () {
var data = jQuery(this).html();
var arr = data.split(' ');
jQuery(this).html("<span class='day'>"+arr[0] + "</span><span class='month'>" + arr[1]+"</span><span class='year'>"+arr[2] +"</span>");
Can I please get some advice on how to parse these dates so I can style the information in a more user-friendly manner, or is there something I'm missing here?

MickCreates commented
My solution for this was to remove the JS scripts from the JS compiler and instead place the JS before the closing body tags in MainTemplate.tpl
I had to do this for a few other custom scripts as well. It is a messy solution but at least it ensures my scripts are being correctly applied to the page.