Setting a Password when creating a new contact/member
I need to create a contact through the API through a 3rd party server. I have no problem creating a contact. However, when I set a password and try to login after I have created the contact, I get an error saying that I have the wrong login information.
Secondly, when someone signs up they get an email with a password sent to them. Is this possible as well through the API? When I create a contact through the API I want to be able to send them the password in their email so they can login.
1. Creating contact
- Newly generated password should be passed in $postFields instead of “12345678”
- Method createWAContact should be modified to use a password
Please see improved version of your code here:
2. Sending password
Currently you can’t send such email using API, however there is a lot of PHP libraries for sending emails.