How can I get new member signup information?
I need to get new member details into How do I go about doing that?

Jorgen commented
@Kurt - thanks for posting that. Actually you pointed me to the multi condition query that I was struggling a bit with - so thank you.. ended up doing something like this..
$queryParams = array(
'$async' => 'false',
'$filter' => "('Membership status' eq active) AND ('Member' eq true)"
);.. and I am trying to build out a Laravel+Twilio+Wild Apricot sms messaging portal.. not something fancy like the commercial alternatives out there, but something that works for our internal use. Thus far works great!
Kurt commented
I know this question is old but I thought I would post my solution, for anyone who might need a head start writing code. First of all, W.A. has posted some code examples on github that are very helpful. I recommend using them.
I'm writing some PHP scripts, so the following snippet is based on the PHP example on github. It's a function that assembles the query parameters and returns the newest users based on the date provided. It's very simple. Should be easy to adapt this to any other language. Hope this helps someone.
function getNewMemberList($accountUrl, $date, $async='false', $records=50, $offset=0) {
global $waApiClient;
$queryParams = array(
'$async' => $async, // execute request synchronously
'$skip' => $offset, // offset, for pagination
'$top' => $records, // limit result set
'$filter' => "'Creation date' ge " . $date . " AND ('Membership status' eq active OR 'Membership status' eq Pending - New)",
'$select' => "Id, 'First name', 'Last name', Email, 'Member since', 'Manager email'"
$url = $accountUrl . '/Contacts/?' . http_build_query($queryParams);
return $waApiClient->makeRequest($url);
} -
I am not 100% sure I understand your case, but in general, if you want to get new members, you can use API call like
GET$async=false&$filter='Member since' gt 2017-01-01If you want to get recently modified contact records use query like
GET$async=false&$filter='Profile last updated' gt 2017-01-01For more details about working with API please refer to
Also you can try to use API without writing code in our API browser: -
Todd Hedenstrom commented
I don't know anything about, but it looks like the best bet for anything like that would be to create and save a search for members joined a certain amount of time, then use that search, export the results to a CSV file, and use the CSV on as an import.