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Mostly about Wild Apricot API. Feel free to share examples of your code!

104 results found

  1. Renewing Membership with API

    We would like to offer our members the chance to renew their membership from our WordPress site. How do you recommend we use the API to accomplish this in a way that integrates well with the regular Wild Apricot renewal process?

    Ideally we would update the contact (change the membership level, if needed, and update the renewal due date), produce an invoice for the renewal, and record a payment for that invoice. Have I missed something?

    Since the API still does not allow the creation of new invoices directly (I can generate an invoice for an event, but not for…

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  2. Retrieve event organizer details

    I would like to be able to retrieve the event organizer information (name and email) via the Event API calls.
    Our event organizers are also our featured speakers. We would like to be able to create a list of event titles, dates and times, and speakers.

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  3. Finger print reader Integration

    Dear Support Team,

    Will it be possible to somehow integrate the Integrated Biometrics product below into the Wild Apricot:

    I want to use it to register contacts (members / clients / attendees) when arriving at an event (or meeting).
    This will speed up registration a lot.

    On the first contact (new client) with the person, the detailed information (name and other attributes) of the person will be captured together with a finger print (will be later used for repeated registration).

    When performing registration the next time, as the contact information will be already available on the system, the contact…

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  4. Single Sign On - second step Authenticating the user

    Any one please help me to complete this authenticating the user using the authentication code. i got the following error



    [0] => Authorization: Basic bXlpbDEzaWhtZzp2MGhqZnAyNW4xZmtteTJjaj2w=
    [1] => Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    {"Message":"An internal error has occured. Please contact Wild Apricot support.\r\n Request ID:530451cb095c4c6895389a077ac9016d."}

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  5. Customer and member creation from another system.

    We are planning to create Customer and member information from another system into WildApricot. Our Chapter membership uses WildApricot and we would like to automate chapter membership information from our system to WA database through web services call. Has anyone implemented similar work or recommendation.



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  6. Accessing member ID from a 3rd party website


    Not sure if this is possible

    I am designing a 3rd party website and I would like to offer our WA members the ability to login using the WA SSO and access a restricted section within the 3rd party. Although I can achieve this I would like WA to tell me who the member who logged in was (e.g. by telling me the memberID)

    Is there a way to do this?

    So far I do the following based
    1. I get the SSO working and WA returns state and code

    1. I then send $data["granttype"]="authorizationcode"; $data["authorizationcode"]=$
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  7. Bug in example PHP application

    if you're using the provided example PHP application there's a small bug that can impact authentication.

    In function getAuthTokenByAdminCredentials


    $data = sprintf("grant_type=%s&username=%s&password=%s&scope=%s", 'password', $login, $password, $this->tokenScope);


    $data = sprintf("grant_type=%s&username=%s&password=%s&scope=%s", 'password', urlencode($login), urlencode($password), urlencode($this->tokenScope));

    We had a user unable to login and found that a reserved character in the password meant the string was being incorrectly parsed. urlencode() escapes special characters so they are passed through correctly.


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  8. Web link with embedded user data

    We are migrating our members to WA and I have a big issue. Our members are granted access to an external database as part of their membership to search legal information online. Members log into our portal and click on a link that has their own AccountID, First Name, Last Name and email address embedded. Is there a way to accomplish this in WA?

    Here is an example of the code we use now on our existing ASP site to generate the individual links:

    using System;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
    public partial class membersonlysomedatabase : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected string endurl;

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    Resolved  ·  Dmitry Smirnov responded

    At the end to January we are launching a feature, which allows JS code to access public API. You will be able to get from API information about current user and then build a link.

    Here is

  9. I would like to be able to create a payment without creating an invoice: Just "this contact paid this amount on this date".

    I would like to be able to create a payment without creating an invoice or associating with an event: Just "this contact paid this amount on this date".

    I believe that can be done from the WA web site, but I have batch payments already made via an external (private) system, and I want to upload them into WildApricot.

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  10. API2 Export Invoices to Excel through VBA

    I would like to export our invoices to Excel trough API, as I need country, TAX info, deleted invoices to do a proper administration.

    Can someone send me an example how to connect to WA through VBA using API v2?

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  11. PHP Code - Creating a New Payment for Specific Invoice (API V2)

    I want to create a new payment for specific invoice by using PHP client app.

    Anybody have done PHP client through Wild Apricot API v2. Please share if you have done any PHP code sample which shows Creating a New Payment for Specific Invoice, it will be great help.

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  12. API - Implement CORS for Cross-Domain API requests

    Currently the API does not support cross-domain requests which makes it impossible to call the API from within WA or any other site. The whole Idea of API's and web services is to be able to fetch data from other sites to use in you JavaScript code.

    I can only get access to the API if I disable cross-domain security in IE. Other browsers are more difficult.

    CORS is a web standard that was developed to handle cross-domain requests. It should be fairly simple to adjust your web server to handle CORS and pre-flighting

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  13. POS

    We have to install an automatic tax recorder for revenue quebec since we include alcohol sales at our events.

    Do you know if WildApricot would be able to submit taxes directly to the recorder, have you seen any successful pos (cash register) solutions implemented with wild apricot through the API?

    Thank You


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    Resolved  ·  Dmitry Smirnov responded

    WildApricot is not able to submit taxes information to the recorder. And I don’t know about POS solution, which uses Wild Apricot.

  14. oAuth work with Discourse SSO

    I'm trying to understand if Wild Apricot's SSO implementation will work out of the box with Discourse's oAuth SSO implementation, or if I need to develop a plugin for Discourse to authenticate with WA.

    Discourse, a discussion platform, provides a built-in oAuth SSO client. There are screenshots of the configuration here -

    On Discourse, for the SSO URL, I have put in what I believe is the correct URL for the authorized application that I have made in our WA account:<WA CLIENT ID>&<WA ACCOUNT ID>

    Where <WA CLIENT ID> is configured…

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  15. Data returned in contacts/me

    using example PHP code and worked out that if we authenticate to the API as a user then we can retrieve the user's ID with the contacts/me call, but it returns limited data about the user. It does not return membership field values. Is there a way, when logged in as a user, to retrieve the users record including datafields?

    Just for context, I'm writing a joomla auth plugin. I want to first authenticate the user (hence using the user credentials) and once authenticated I would like to get some of the data to sync into the Joomla account…

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    3 comments  ·  API  ·  Admin →
    Resolved  ·  Dmitry Smirnov responded

    Current version of API provides only limited dataset in /contacts/me requests. If your application needs more information then it can access API using API key. Our Wordpress authentication plugin works exectly this way.

  16. Cannot get access token after successful SSO

    I am able to obtain authorization_code from OAuthLogin, but cannot get access token from with it.

    The failure occurs due to CORS although I believe I am making the request from the same origin (SSOfail_CORS.png).

    If I disable CORS, the failure behaves differently. A pop-up is shown asking for username+password (SSOfail_noCORS.png). This pop-up keeps repeating after entering valid credentials, and must eventually be canceled to continue.

    Here is the code that makes access token request:

          authorization_code: code,
          client_id:          "xxxxxxx",
          client_secret:      "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
          redirect_uri:       "",
          scope:              "auto"
        function(data, status){
          alert("Data " + JSON.stringify(data) + "\nStatus: " +
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    Resolved  ·  Dmitry Smirnov responded

    The reason is that you pass client_id and client_secret as a form parameters, but they should be passed in Authorization header.

    API is expected to be used from server code or from standalone application. Currently JS applications are not supported. Nature of JS applications does not allow to keep secret, so any user can extract auth token from JS application. I would recommend to implement all interactions with public API using some server-side app. It can be PHP / python or even google script app.

  17. Sample C# Code With New APIKEY

        private const string AllScopes = "general_info contacts finances events event_registrations account membership_levels settings";

    var authData = string.Format("granttype={0}&scope={1}", "clientcredentials",AllScopes);

            var response = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(Common.OAuthServiceUrl)
                .SetBasicAuth("APIKEY", "........YOUR API KEY HERE......")

    Extension Methods:

        public static WebRequest SetData(this WebRequest request, string data, string contentType = MimeFormUrlEncoded, string method = "POST")
            request.Method = method;
            request.ContentType = contentType;
            byte[] sentData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data);
            request.ContentLength = sentData.Length;
            Stream sendStream = request.GetRequestStream();
            sendStream.Write(sentData, 0, sentData.Length);
            return request;
        public static WebRequest SetBasicAuth(this WebRequest request, string userName, string password)
            var credentials = string.Format("{0}:{1}", userName, password);
            var encoded = System.Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(credentials));
            request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + encoded);
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  18. User Permissions

    I'm working with your API and I've noticed that individual members only have permission to make requests for their own contact information and the account information. I was wondering:

    Is there a way to return the users ID who has logged in rather than the ID of our WA account?

    How to we assign more permissions globally as we'd like our members to be able to view and register for events through an app we're building.

    Thanks so much.

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    2 comments  ·  API  ·  Admin →
    Resolved  ·  Dmitry Smirnov responded

    1. If you access API using contact’s credentials, then you can use /v2/accounts/XXX/contacts/me request to get current user’s information, including his ID.

    2. There is no way to give more permissions to contacts/members. However, if you are building web application, which runs in trusted environment, you can make some API requests using API key rather than contact credentials. When you access API with API key, then you have full permissions to events and event registrations.

  19. Joomla authentication plugin?

    wondering if anyone has used the new signon stuff in the API to create a Joomla authentication module? I've written a Joomla Authentication module to use a third party (database) source for users and would like to change update it to use WildApricot as the backend for authentication. Thinking about paying a developer to update the plugin but before doing so wondered if anyone else has done this?

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  20. Please help with API version 1 to API version 2

    I am part of a voluntary organization and we received an e-mail about updating to API version 2 and same changes that needed to be made. We are all in way over our head and I just took over the website management this week. I would appreciate any and all help.

    We don't even know if we are using API. I will do anything I need to do but I really need help. Again, I am not paid this is for a completely voluntary organization.


    Bradley Bearden

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    2 comments  ·  API  ·  Admin →
    Resolved  ·  Dmitry Smirnov responded

    If you know nothing about API, then most probably you don’t use it and can forget about that e-mail.

    However if you, or someone of your collegues developed custom software to automate your work, then you should ask a developer to update this software.

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