Changing the default event registration login/auto-fill message
Hello. The forums were quite helpful when I found out how to use Global Javascript settings to change the free label on events.
My new question is how to hide or change the message that appears "You can log in to auto-fill your contact information - or proceed with the registration without logging in."
when a member enters their email and tries to sign up for an event. We don't want that message to appear for them to lo in to auto-fill their contact info, because we are not using their contact info to populate the event form and we just don't need them to get confused about having to retrieve their password to login.
Can this also be hidden with a global javascript code? Thanks.
Michelle Diaz commented
Never mind, I found the script in another post.
<script type="text/javascript">
//To change the "login or fill name" label on the event details page
var myPage = document.getElementById('idGeneralFormContainer');
if (myPage){
myPage.innerHTML = myPage.innerHTML.replace(/\-? ?You can log in to auto-fill your contact information - or proceed with the registration without logging in./g, 'Je kan inloggen of gewoon jouw naam en familienaam invullen zonder inloggen.');