Hide inaccessible forums on the forum summary page
I've been playing with the preview of my site in the new Version 5, and I'm happy that now I can restrict pages based on group status.
I am looking for a way to hide forums that are inaccessible to certain members. Currently I use three forum categories: Members, Committees, and Board. All the forums are only accessible to members who are logged in.
The Members category has two forums (General Discussion; Job Postings). Those should show up to all members who are logged in and not to the general public.
The Committees category has about 20 forums for the different committees in my organization. I currently have each forum restricted to the corresponding group (only people in the Fundraising group can access the Fundraising forum for example), but the forums are still visible on the Forum Summary page to everyone. On the Forum Summary page, I want to hide forums that a member is not part of, so that they don't see a list of all the other forums. Is this possible with CSS? Or is there a setting that I am missing? It would have to pull their group participation information from their membership page.
Elizabeth Bass Webmaster commented
Thank you for the quick reply.
I'm planning on continuing to use the Forum Summary, but I'm not enabling the Committee or Board forums yet (as they haven't been used yet, because I was hoping that Version 5 would allow for the kind of visibility that I'm looking for). So I'll keep an eye out for this change!
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
No, not possible - but I will forward this to my colleague, who is working now on extending blog and forum access permissions setup on groups too. As soon as we have this feature released, your request will be addressed automatically.
For now, I would recommend just not use Forum Summary gadget.