Display select member information
We'd like to show a selection of member information on a page. We'd like to show names, phone numbers for certain people. Our logic would be member selects a radio button, yes or no, for a service. For example, showing all members names and contact info for those who have checked yes for "do you need a ride?"
Is there a way to do this?
Thanks so much.

Jan commented
I see you're new—welcome aboard. But, experienced! Thanks for the tip. I think the member functional page might work, so we'll start there.
Evgeny Zaritovskiy commented
Wow, thanks for sharing! :)
Chad Hiatt commented
I'm not a WA developer, but if "Do you need a ride?" is a membership-level custom field (versus an event-level custom field), you could potentially use a Member Directory functional page with a custom predefined search filter set.
See the section "Controlling who appears in the directory" here:
http://help.wildapricot.com/display/DOC/Member+directoryFor a more advanced option, you could use the Contact API to do a custom query and formatting in custom code embedded on a WA page:
Quite a bit more work to implement, however.