Background customization
I changed the background image, but when I have the scroll there a little left over white bg because the image isn't big enough. Is there a way I can have a bg color and a image in the CSS, so the leftover white well be black and look like it's a part of the image?

SomethingClever commented
Yippee!!!!! that's great. Thanks so much.
SomethingClever commented
that was great advice, but it didn't work, I thought it would ... looks like it should.
I must be doing something wrong, wanna take a look:
{background-color: black;
background: url("/Resources/Pictures/bgtest.jpg") no-repeat;
Kerrie-Anne commented
background-color: black instead of background: black;
you can only use a selector once in a set
SomethingClever commented
this is an example of the problem